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Answers to your questions

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers for our customers. Please contact our office if none of our answers are of any help.


What qualifications do the trainers offer?

Our training team consists exclusively of certified trainers with years of training experience. Both our civil and official trainers have many years of experience in the respective areas of activity and are checked regularly (at least once a year). To do this, you must both complete standard tests for the respective areas of activity and provide evidence of your teaching qualification.

In addition, all trainers receive regular further training in various areas and acquire additional qualifications.

This also applies to the owner.

Are there also international courses in other languages?

If required, all courses can also be held in languages other than German.
English or French are primarily used here. If you need a course in a foreign language, please use the contact form.

Where can I apply for financial support?

Most of our courses are classified as civil or professional education, but not all are eligible. To check the eligibility of a specific course, please contact us so we can assist you with the check.

If there is general eligibility, this is usually indicated (e.g. defense shooting instructor course, eligible according to §5 Soldiers Supply Act)

What requirements do I need for the defense shooting instructor course?

The defensive shooting instructor course has special entry requirements for participation:

1.) Participation approval according to §23

AWaffV OR exemption for participation by the for

You competent authority

2.) good basic knowledge of dynamic handling of pistols / revolvers,

SL rifle and shotgun (VSR or Repetier)

3.) good physical and mental constitution

4.) Valid gun ownership card / gun pass, or similar.

5.) open mindset

6.) At least your own handgun and SL rifle

What do I need to take part in a firearms course?

Depending on the course, you will need prior knowledge from e.g. Basic courses as well as a valid WBK and your own weapon.
If you do not have your own weapon, you can hire a weapon for a fee.
If a valid WBKK is not (yet) available, an extended police clearance certificate (not older than 2 weeks) must be presented at the start of the course.
Basically, at least protective goggles, hearing protection and appropriate equipment (eg holster) must be carried.
Whether further equipment is required can be found in the respective course description.

What is the difference between the civilian instructor course and the defense shooting instructor course?

Basically, the courses only differ in the type of shooting. The civilian instructor course does not contain any elements of defense shooting and therefore does not require a participation permit / special permit according to §23 AWaffV

The other content and structure are similar for both:

- Gun law including gun knowledge according to §7 WaffG for

Security industry

- advanced first aid training

- weapons technology

- weapon handling

- Methodology & didactics of training

What do qualifications from KLSTRATEGIC entitle me to?

There is currently no legal requirement for qualifications to be active in the field of arms training; however, there are various associations and institutions that require such a qualification in order to work for you.
Our trainer qualifications are officially recognized by the licensing authorities and are valid in the entire scope of the Weapons Act. They are therefore equivalent to a weapons expert.
With the qualification you can prove a professional trainer certification to customers and work as a trainer in the respective area. In addition, a valid trainer certificate (trainer ID) entitles the holder to participate in recognized training and further education measures and to be entered in the certified trainer directory.

What happens if I fail the trainer exam?

If they do not successfully complete the qualification as a trainer, there is the possibility of a re-examination. Depending on the topic in which you were unsuccessful, this can be checked immediately according to the requirements of the examination board, or you can complete the main course again the following year and take your exams again.

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